Liberec, Benešovo náměstí
náměstí Doktora Edvarda Beneše 1, 460 07 Liberec, Česká republika
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An Unexpected News Report

Dostupné v: English | Česky | Deutsch | Polski

History has repeatedly taken place at the main square of Liberec, just the way it suits the main square of any city. It was and continues to be the most important stage of history of the city. Perhaps the most dramatic chapter of modern history that the Beneš Square has ever witnessedwas written at the beginning of the occupation by the troops of the Warsaw Pact on August 21, 1968. On that day,a Soviet tank rolled into the archway of one of the houses which led to its collapse, resulting in dozens of civilians being injured. The events of August 1968 claimed nine lives in Liberec. The protests here were some of the biggest and bloodiest ones in Czechoslovakia. The moments of the clash with the Soviet tank were captured on unique photographs by the photographer Václav Toužimský.


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Liberec, Benešovo náměstí

Dostupné v: English | Česky | Deutsch | Polski

O „tom tanku“ už někdy někde slyšel snad každý Liberečan. Ale jak to vlastně přesně bylo? Fotograf Václav Toužimský byl svědkem celé události, během které vytvořil neobyčejně cenný fotografický materiál.

Liberec, Benešovo náměstí

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