obec částečně vypálená za druhé světové války · Prlov, Česká republika
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... and they threw the baby to its grandmother

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At the end of April 1945 little Božena witnessed houses being burned down in Prlov, where she was visiting her uncle along with her sister. The village was encircled by the Germans, and with the help of a captured sixteen-year-old partisan, Alois Oškera, they started to identify partisans and their “helpers”. The ones they chose were separated from the others and put in a different room where they tortured them to reveal more names. “... they had that Oškery boy there from Všeminy, he had to point at those he knew and at those he stayed with... The minute he pointed at the Ondrášeks, they took them aside and then threw them into a fire.” Altogether, 23 people died in the fire. “Twenty three were burnt to death. One of them had just recently married into the family, she had a baby eight months old or so – they burnt her to death as well. They threw the baby to its grandmother. So, only the grandmother was left with the baby. Otherwise, all of them from that house, those Ondrášeks, were burnt to death. The young wife and the brothers and the parents – all of them.”


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2016-03-12 12:16:31
Nutno dodat, že Aloise Oškeru s celou rodinou potom zastřelili u Vizovického zámku...
Božena Kršáková

Božena Kršáková

Božena Kršáková nee Vařáková was born on 13.2.1936 above Pozděchov, on meadows called Vařákové paseky. First eight years of Boženas life, the family led restful life, although the war started meanwhile. In October 1944, the first partisans came to Vařákovy paseky and the life of the family dramatically changed. On the 2nd of May 1945, the Germans came to burn out Vařákovy paseky. It was revenge for death of one of their soldier, who was killed by partisans in the morning of previous day. Althoug the Red Army was those days already in some villages nearby, the houses on Vařákovy paseky were burnt down and the families were taken to Valašská Polanka, where four of them were executed. One of the executed was brother of Božena Kršáková, 20 year old Karel. When the war ended, Božena finished the elementary school, then worked in ammunition works in Vsetin, then in Distillery Jelínek in Vizovice. Now she´s retired and lives in Prlov, in the house her family built after war.


Available in: English | Česky

Začátkem 40. let se v Prlově zformovala partyzánská skupina, která navazovala kontakty s parašutisty vyslanými ze Sovětského svazu a později se skupinami partyzánů přicházejícími ze Slovenska po porážce Slovenského národního povstání. Právě kvůli čilým kontaktům s partyzány neušli obyvatelé Prlova pozornosti gestapa a jeho konfidentů. Když se 23. dubna 1945 vesničané ráno probudili, byl již Prlov obklíčen. Po neúspěšných výsleších začalo gestapo zapalovat domy a do hořících stavení nahnali vyslýchané. Při masakru přišlo o život 23 místních obyvatel.


On this place

... and they threw the baby to its grandmother

... and they threw the baby to its grandmother

Božena Kršáková
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