Pilsen, Koterovská Street
Koterovská 945/62, 326 00 Plzeň-Plzeň 2-Slovany, Czech Republic
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Dance party

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Following heavy combat, American soldiers were in for rest and entertainment. Ludmila Levá remembers a dance party that Americans held right in Koterovská Street. They surrounded a part of the road with four trucks and installed electrical wires for lamps. They made a dance floor with lights and there was a dance party in the night: “A friend and I climbed a truck and watched the soldiers dancing with young ladies. We were eleven years old and this was something to watch for us. My parents could not find me. Later that night was when my dad gave me the only proper beating in my life.”


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Ludmila Levá

Ludmila Levá

She was born in Plzeň in 1934. She comes from a large Roman Catholic family; her uncle Mons. Josef Limpouch, (1895–1965), was an important clergyman in Plzeň. He was a Roman Catholic priest, and he was involved in the resistance movement and was imprisoned in Nazi prisons during World War II. The communist regime imprisoned him again between 1951 and 1960. Her aunts Marie and Terezie Limpouchs were evicted from their apartment in Plzeň in 1953 and lived in a crumbling parsonage in Potvorov. The witness worked as a nurse.

Pilsen, Koterovská Street

Available in: English | Česky

The main street of the Eastern Suburb of Pilsen. At the end of World War 1, the Austro-Hungarian Empire floundered in a crisis, supply chains were in chaos and the inhabitants were beginning to starve. The hunger caused various parts of the country to riot, and looting occurred. In Pilsen, the situation escalated in June 1918. On 21 June 1918, a crowd gathered on Koterovská Street, mostly children, and tried to grab bread off a baker’s truck. They were stopped by police and soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian army. The crowd attacked the soldiers with stones and the commanding officer gave the order to fire. Five children were killed. This event is commemorated by a memorial plaque. At the end of World War 2, houses near to the train station were damaged by Allied bombs.

Pilsen, Koterovská Street

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Dance party

Dance party

Ludmila Levá
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