Watch out, the Ukrainian nationalists!
After the Ukraine had been occupied by German troops, the local schools were closed down and Josef Babák couldn't continue in his studies. There was nothing he could do but stay at home in Moldava in Volhynia and help his parents with the work at their farm. During the occupation, Ukrainian nationalists, (adherents of Stepan Bandera, so-called "banderovci"), began appearing in the village frequently. "The Germans ruled the place during the day but at night, the place belonged to the banderovci. On many occasions, when something was about to happen, we would hide in the attic. I remember that our neighbor kept an old railroad track at home which he used as a gong in moments of danger in order to alert the people of the village so that they knew that the banderovci were coming," he recalled. At that time, not only the Ukrainian nationalists operated in Volhynia, but also units of the Polish Armija Krajowa and Soviet guerrillas called "kovpakovci" and "medvěděvovci." "I remember that once when the alarm was sounded, I was at a friend's place and he was hiding a gun in his barn, and as we heard that something was going on, we wanted to take that gun and defend the village. But as we heard the noise getting louder, we changed our minds and chose to hide instead. There could have been hundreds of them! Reportedly, it had been Russian partisans on that instance, because they had guns and they were in really large numbers. They even drove a herd of cattle in front of them. They didn't do anything to us but when I returned home, our horses had disappeared from the stables. They took our horses and left their own miserable horses behind," he recalled.
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