We thought we would knock him unconscious, get what we wanted and go home
The Mašín brothers’ group decided to attack the police station in Chlumec nad Cidlinou in order to obtain weapons for their resistance activities. Apart from Ctirad and Josef Mašín, also Milan Paumer, who acted as a driver, took part in the operation on September 13th 1951. The three men arrived at the station in a stolen taxi. At the police station the men reported the theft of a motorcycle, which they made up, and that way they managed to get inside the closed station. “Our original idea was to go to Chlumec, knock the policeman unconscious, take what we wanted, and go back home. But Radek (Ctirad), who knocked him down, probably didn’t hit him in the right spot. The policeman didn’t faint, he just turned round and reached for his gun. Pepa noticed that, drew his gun, and got rid of him with two shots.” Police officer, Oldřich Kašík, was dead on the spot. The shots were loud, so it wasn’t clear whether somebody else had heard them, or whether there were other policemen in the station. The Mašíns and Paumer quickly got into their car and headed back to Prague. They left their car there and returned to Poděbrady. Some of them took a train, the rest took a bus. The young resistance fighters learned a lesson and decided that next time, the policemen had to be eliminated right away.
Hodnotilo 0 lidí
Not a part of any route.
- František Kozák
2022-06-19 04:28:27 - Kolik lidí emigrovalo z republiky po únoru 48 a srpnu 68! A nikoho nezabili ani neokradli, jeli na svoje triko. A spousta z nich tam pro republiku něco udělala, co udělali Mašínové? Nevím o ničem! Jsou to vrazi a zloději, nic víc, mají krev na rukou! Kam jsme se to dostali, že tyto lidi slavíme jako hrdiny? Čest památce všem obětem "hrdinů" Mašínů!