When We Heard the Keys in the Keyhole We Got Stiff
Jaromír Jarmara went through series of brutal question in Bartolomějská Street, (police headquarters), and was transferred to Pankrác Remand Prison in 1949: “There they gave me the cell and threw me a blanket. I smelled the blanket and told to myself: ‛Everything is bloody, dried-up gunk. How can I stand it? ’” And the questionings seemed endless. Beating and humiliation over and over again. Each prisoner was afraid whose turn it is: “As we heard the keys in the keyhole we got stiff and waited for who they call." They still tried to get Jaromír´s confession. The interrogators were irritated by his denying so they used sadistic methods. During one of the last questionings they caused him mild brain injury. After the trial, Jaromír Jarmara got back to Pankrác Remand Prison again. Though he was condemned to life imprisonment he was, by mistake, put into the death row where the condemned waited for death: “It was a horrible night. I was in the death row.” Afterwards he was replaced to the ordinary cell and worked in the prison joinery. Once, his foreman sent him to fix the doorsill in the correction room. Jaromír Jarmara never forgot what he heard and saw there. In that moment they tortured his brother Věroslav there. “I felt awful. I was used to beating, but I felt so sorry for him because he could not defend himself. His hands and legs tied and neck in chains," Jarmara recalled.
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