bývalý komunistický vězeňský tábor · Rovnost 72, 363 01 Jáchymov, Česká republika
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Whipping boy

Dostupné v: English | Česky

Ivan Kieslinger spent the end of 1949 on the infirmary of the Jáchymov forced-labor camp "Rovnost," (Equality). December the 18th was J. Stalin's birthday and Ivan Kieslinger recalls that the wardens decided to remind the inmates of this important anniversary: "They conducted an extensive search of our barracks. We had to get out on the hallways and line up. After that I was taken to the police station. I didn't know on what account. Later they told me that in my bed, they had found active material. For this, I could have gone to court again and might have been given the rope. The previous interrogations were nothing compared to the one that followed. All the wardens on duty must have beaten me for about eight or ten hours. They demonstrated, to each other, the proper way to perform a slap: 'look, your hand has to be a clenched fist and you only open it before impact. Try it!' And they would try it on me. And of course they beat me on the legs, too. My shoes were taken off and they beat me with a baton or something of the sort. By the end, I almost didn't feel it anymore. Finally they threw me into solitary. Solitary confinement was an unheated wooden shack made of planks. It was December in the Krušné hory Mountains, the planks were loose and there was a snowdrift in the room. They threw me into that shack all broken, I hardly felt anything. At times, I fainted. In this way I spent Christmas. I must have been there for many days but I'm not sure how long it was."


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Ivan Kieslinger

Ivan Kieslinger

Ivan Kieslinger was born on November 28th, in 1928. Since early childhood he had been a Boy Scout; in May 1945 he participated actively in the Prague Uprising; subsequently, he was convicted to six months for distributing the anti-communist self-printed publication, (samizdat), Svobodný zítřek, (´Free Tomorrow´). For taking part in the uprising of May 17th, in 1949 he was convicted to 16 years of imprisonment. In December 1949 the warders at the Jáchymov camp ´Rovnost,´ (´Equality´) ,used Ivan Kieslinger as a victim on which to "train" proper beating of prisoners. He sustained long-term injuries, and ended up on the hospital bed for two years. He has been suffering from the consequences until now: epilepsy, combined lung and bone tuberculosis. In 1954 he was reprieved on health grounds.


Dostupné v: English | Česky

Tábor vznikl po druhé světové válce a byl určen pro válečné zajatce. Do správy Sboru vězeňské stráže Ostrov byl předán v září 1949. Političtí, kriminální i retribuční vězni pracovali na šachtě Rovnost, kam denně chodili koridorem z ostnatého drátu. Šachta dosahovala hloubky přes 660 metrů a byla tak nejhlubší na Jáchymovsku. Rovnosti velel nechvalně proslulý František Paleček, který sadisticky týral vězně, nechával je například stát dlouhé hodiny po kolena ve sněhu.

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